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Washington, DC is home to over 700,000 residents, yet they are deprived of voting representation in Congress. Enough is enough.


This stark reality highlights the pivotal role of the Shadow Senator, a relentless advocate for DC statehood and equitable representation. While they may not cast votes in full floor proceedings or committees, the Shadow Sentor's work is instrumental in building momentum toward political equity.

Every American deserves the right to influence decisions affecting their lives, irrespective of their place of residence. Andrew is unwavering in his commitment to this fight, striving to secure the passage of the Washington, DC Admission Act, a pivotal step toward making DC the 51st state and ensuring its residents enjoy the full rights and representation they rightfully deserve.

Join forces with Andrew in the fight for DC statehood. Add your name in support and share your thoughts on what statehood means to you!

Thank you for your support of #DCStatehood!

What Statehood Means to DC Residents:

Statehood means total autonomy!
Caro H., Age 69

Learn more about why DC Statehood is gaining support across the US

Credit: Washington Post

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